The Benefits of Tea

3 Great Ways To Promote Holistic Health

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Health isn’t something that happens in a vacuum. Instead, you’ll need to always take care of your body as a whole, because every system affects the other. Things that affect your digestive system affect your skin. Your thought processes can affect your sexual health. Once you learn about holistic health, you’ll live longer and will find that your body serves you better. Start with these three valuable tips and make sure you never stop learning.…

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Physical Therapy During Pregnancy

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When a woman becomes pregnant, she might buy into the stories surrounding pregnancy as inevitabilities. Her back may hurt. Her hips may ache, A forceful sneeze may make her urinate. None of these standard pregnancies aches, pains, and annoyances have to come with growing a tiny human, however. With a regular regimen of outpatient physical therapy, most women can get through even the last few weeks of a pregnancy relatively pain-free.…

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3 Tips for Preventing a Cold Sore Outbreak

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Despite the name, cold sores are not caused by catching a cold or being outside when it’s freezing. It’s caused by the herpes simplex-1 virus. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition, but you can prevent cold sore outbreaks by understanding what causes them and making the relevant changes in your life. Here are three tips for stop a cold sore from ruining your day. Avoid Trigger Foods Most people know that certain foods can aggravate a cold sore when the lesion makes its presence known, but some foods can also trigger these bumps into appearing in the first place.…

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