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4 Components Of Somatic Attachment Therapy

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Trauma can affect people at any age, and, unfortunately, many people have their first brush with trauma early in life. Childhood trauma can affect the way you form relationships and engage with others. If you don't resolve your trauma, you may find yourself constantly stuck in the same situations as you reenact your traumatized responses. Therapy modalities focused on assisting people who have experienced trauma, such as somatic attachment therapy, can help you overcome trauma on a mental and physical level. These are four components of somatic attachment therapy that can help patients heal from trauma:

1. Body-Mind Connection

Somatic attachment therapy pays special attention to the connection between body and mind. When people experience trauma, their minds are affected. However, fewer people know that the body can be affected as well. Trauma can be stored in the body as sensations, and it's important to pay attention to these sensations when trying to resolve and heal from trauma. During somatic attachment therapy, your therapist will invite you to meditate and pay close attention to your body, accepting all physical feelings as they arise.

2. Present And Attentive Counseling

Somatic attachment therapy will be facilitated by a counselor who will remain active and present throughout your counseling session. This presence refers not only to the counselor's physical presence in the room but also to their mental presence. Over the course of your therapy sessions, you will have discussions with your therapist about your childhood and formative experiences. Your therapist will pay careful attention to your words and the way you express yourself so they can use this information to help you.

3. Demystification Of Trauma

Understanding trauma can help you overcome it. As part of your somatic attachment therapy, you will have the opportunity to learn more about trauma and why it occurs. In many cases, trauma happens when a person experiences something that overwhelms their ability to emotionally process it. This definition can help people free themselves from feelings of guilt or inadequacy that can arise as a result of trauma. Understanding that trauma is not your fault can help you show yourself the kindness you need to move forward.

4. Validation

Finally, counselors will provide much-needed validation as you undergo the therapeutic process. Every maladaptive coping mechanism is your mind's attempt to keep you safe. Your therapist can help you see the positives in your traumatic reactions so you can begin to forgive yourself for them and stop clinging to the past.
