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Less-Common Types of Acupuncture to Consider

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You're probably aware of the most common type of acupuncture, traditional Chinese acupuncture. It has become increasingly common in the western world over the past few years, with patients using it to manage everything from headaches to depression. Traditional Chinese acupuncture can be really effective, but it's not the only type of acupuncture to consider. Here are three less common types that may prove to be the right choice for managing your ailments.


Marmapuncture is a traditional medical practice that evolved in India. It's similar to Chinese acupuncture in many ways. Like Chinese acupuncture, it focuses on treating the vital points of the body through which energy flows. Sometimes needles are inserted into these areas, and other times the practitioner simply massages the areas with their hands. The areas focused on include the body's key veins, the ligaments, and the nerves. These areas, collectively, are known as the marmas. 

Marmapuncture can be helpful for any disease or state that involves stiffness, pain, or low energy. It's a common choice for menstrual cramps, sciatica, neck pain, and depression. 

Master Tung

Master Tung acupuncture is a derivative of traditional Chinese acupuncture. It's the style that was used by a renowned acupuncturist called Master Tung. In this style, only a few needles are used, whereas traditional acupuncture calls for the use of many needles. Master Tung acupuncture, therefore, requires the acupuncturist to be very precise with their needle placement.

Master Tung acupuncture sometimes yields results in fewer sessions than traditional Chinese acupuncture. It is a good choice for those who are a little squeamish about needles, since fewer are used. The needles are mostly placed along the head, feet, and back, although their precise placement depends on the ailment being treated.

Stems and Branches Acupuncture

Stems and branches acupuncture is a style of acupuncture that incorporates the cycles of the earth into the choice of where to place the needles. Chinese medicine incorporates the cycles of the seasons, day and night, and movement of the planets into its practice, and this is one example of that. Needles may be placed differently, for example, in the summer versus the winter. This type of acupuncture is often used to treat reproductive ailments in women. It may also be a good choice for seasonal affective disorder and similar concerns.

If you're considering having acupuncture, look out for these three variations, and consider visiting an acupuncture service such as Acupuncture Medical Center
